

Overland Park, Kansas starts its annual large-item cleanup this Saturday

Overland Park, Kansas starts its annual large-item cleanup this Saturday.

“This is probably one of the most popular city services we offer each year,” said Jim Twigg, environmental programs coordinator. “The city receives lots of calls in anticipation of the three-weekend event.”

Each year the City of Overland Park alternates east and west of Antioch for residents to participate. 

In 2010, the residents on the west side of Antioch received the large-item cleanup services.

More than 1.7 million pounds of material were collected in 2010; 2.5 million pounds in 2009.
Three weekends have been designated. Where a resident lives will determine which weekend is applicable. All items for disposal must be at the curb no later than 7 a.m. the day of the scheduled pick up. No special arrangements will be made once the crews have completed a neighborhood.

Here is the schedule for the Overland Park, KS. large-item cleanup:

1) First Saturday, April 2, is for residents living east of Antioch, north of 87th to the city limits.
2) Second Saturday, April 9, is for residents east of Antioch, south of 87th Street and north of College Boulevard.
3) Third Saturday, April 16, is for residents east of Antioch, south of College Boulevard to the city limits.

Put out only those items not regularly collected by your private trash hauler.

There are limitations on what and how much can be disposed of, and there are requirements to bundle loose items.

Loose construction items can be bundled or placed in a throw-away container. Everything in the large-item cleanup pile will be disposed of, so do not use your regular trash barrel if you want to retain it. It may be thrown away and will not be replaced.

On any appliance, make certain the door is secure from opening to prevent any injuries or accidents.
For more information, contact Twigg at 895-6273.

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