

Everyday Stuff that Sucks the Joy From Your Day

I'm just like you....some days are better than others.

I've noticed that great days and not so great days have certain characteristics in common.

Quick list of things that deliver a less than stellar day.  And by the way, maybe some things we could avoid...?

1-You skipped breakfast- 

Best meal of the day. Gets your brain in gear, ignites your metabolism and your enthusiasm. Yours doesn't? Then change your diet and savor the flavor! Make certain it has protein, complex carbs and is devoid of Pop Tarts.

2-You didn't expect the best of your day- 

If you're not your biggest fan, who will be? Think of it this way....most things will happen whether you expect them to or not, yet a great attitude will help you with the mental aspect of dealing with the parts of your day that are not perfect. Expect the best from every day and more often than not, you'll find it!

3-Your heart wasn't in it-

You came to the big meeting with no objectives, and just a so-so outlook.  Guess what? You got exactly what you bargained for....Hey, bad stuff might happen, but do';t bet on it.  Lean into that pitch and give it your best! Pro athletes visualize success, and aren't all that surprised when they win because...wait on it....

They expect to win!

4-You were watching the clock instead of working the problem-

We get paid to finish.  

Let me say it again...."We get paid to work through the issue to a conclusion."

Don't watch the clock praying for the day to end, then get bent when the big promotion goes to the guy in Accounting who stayed an extra 10 minutes to finish the work.

Make commitments...meet them...Finish strong.

5-You thought it was all smooth sailing-

It's never in the bag until the fat lady warbles...or at least is tuning up!  Our society suffers from premature ejubilation.  We start the party before the last I is dotted and T is crossed.

Anticipate the rough waters, but expect a path will find you on the other side having weathered the storm!

6-Make the Most of the First 4 Minutes of Your Day-

Take a deep breath. Look at your calendar.  Review the big stuff....Pray.

Be grateful.

Work your plan. Follow your heart.

Hey, if you want another reason to be positive, send request for our report, " How to Get a Killer Deal on Your Kansas City Home Purchase."

A list of electronic devices that suck the electricity from your walls!

There is a disturbing trend in the gadget world, and it’s that laptop, tablet and phone makers aren’t taking battery life seriously enough. Yes, having touch on a Windows 8 notebook is great, but not if the computer lasts an hour and a half less than one without that capability. And what good is a smartphone with an HD display and superfast processor if you have to plug it in around lunchtime? We run our homemade battery test, which involves continuous Web surfing at 40 percent brightness, on every device we review. And if the endurance isn’t good enough, regardless of the gadget’s other features, we simply won’t recommend it.
Here are seven of my worst battery life offenders and how much you’ll pay per hour of juice versus more efficient competitors.


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Another blog post written by: Dowell Taggart Team

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