Dalington Real Estate Market Stats
Dalington is a subdivision In Olathe, Kansas
As I review the the Dalington Subdivision market statistics for the past 6 months, 6 homes were listed for sale, 4 homes were sold and 0 homes are currently under contract. The average sales price in Dalington Subdivision was $294,425 and the subdivision saw a price range variance of $266,250 to $313,500. If you'd like to know the reasons behind the close range of values, find us at www.dowelltaggart.com, for an overview of the process we use to determine the value of your home.
The Dalington Subdivision is located in Eastern Olathe, Kansas and is served by the Olathe School District. Many of the homes in the Dalington Subdivision were built from the 1994 through 1997. Dalington is a popular Olathe, Kansas subdivision and is located near dining, shopping and park amenities and near access to I-35 highway in Olathe.
There are no homes for sale in the Dalington Subdivision. This means Dalington is in a Seller's real estate market. A neutral real estate market is defined that when the real estate inventory takes 4-6 months to sell. A sellers market is defined when the real estate inventory takes less than 4 months to sell and a buyers market is when inventory takes 6 months or longer to sell. With the current market is is a good time to Sell a home in the Dalington subdivision.
More Dalington Real Estate Stats:
The average current list price in the Dalington Subdivision is of $299.900. The list price is slightly Above the 6 month average sales price. Homes in the Dalington Subdivision seem to be priced a little High right now. Unless the active homes have SUPERIOR features, the homes may be overpriced.
The average home in the Dalington Subdivision sold for $294,425 in 76 days.
The highest priced home in the Dalington Subdivision sold for $313,500.
If you’re thinking about a move to or from the Dalington Subdivision or another area of Olathe, Kansas, would you prefer to review your real estate objectives with an amateur or a professional? When you'd prefer a professional opinion, let's talk....
Buying A Home In Dalington
Selling A Home In Dalington
Dalington Subdivision real estate states supplied by the Dowell Taggart Team of RE/MAX Best Associates. Your Olathe, Kansas real estate specialist!
Real Estate Stats pulled from Heartland MLS & deemed reliable but not guaranteed; Check the post date for relevancy; Stats cover approximately the past 6 months of real estate market activity
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Blog post written by the Dowell Taggart Team of RE/MAX Best Associates
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