If you're a parent and you're taking your kids Trick or Treating on Halloween practice these 15 Halloween Safety tips.

Follow These 15 Halloween Safety Tips to Keep Your Halloween Trick or Treating Evening from Becoming a Disaster:
1) Have the kids cross the streets with an adult.
2) Have the kids walk on sidewalks or paths.
3) Use traffic signals and crosswalks, when available.
4) If you're driving through a neighborhood with kids, Drive Slow!
5) Add reflective tape on your kids costumes.
6) Take a flashlight or glow sticks with you.
7) Don't walk behind vehicles, even if they are parked.
8) Keep kids from tripping over costumes that drag.
9) Don't impair your kids sight by using an improperly sized mask.
10) Carry a cell phone with you in case of an emergency.
11) Teach your kids to draw attention to themselves if they are grabbed.
12) Only go to homes with their exterior lights "ON".
13) Check the local websites for sexual predators in the area.
14) Travel in groups, if possible, and in well known areas.
15) Check the treats before the kids start consuming them.
Have a Safe and Enjoyable Halloween!
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