

The median estimated home value is $207,880 - Real Estate Stats for the Overland Park, Kansas Zip Code 66210

Real Estate Stats for the Overland Park, Kansas Zip Code 66210

The data in this post was obtained to arm Overland Park, Kansas homeowners in the zip code 66210 with accurate real estate data. Real estate is local and real estate stats from Joplin, MO., Austin, TX, or Topeka, KS; have very little effect on the Overland Park, KS. zip code 66210 area.

Homeowners who live in the zip code 66210 can view this real estate data to get a basic analysis of the area. To receive an accurate evaluation, homeowners can make a request for a Personalized Overland Park, Kansas Homeowner Property Report. The Report will reveal a pinpoint value for homes in the Overland Park area.

By reviewing this report, homeowner’s in the zip code will gain inside knowledge of the Zip Code 66210 Overland Park real estate market.  

Some homeowner’s in the area may not review this real data because they have viewed what they have thought was reliable real estate data or they have received some incomplete real estate data in the mail. We encourage you to view our real estate data because we will not omit data to give homeowners a false report. We’ll give homeowners the good, bad and ugly of the Overland Park, KS. 66210 area.

Another reason for inconsistencies in real estate data is the inaccuracy in the data submitted or omitted in obtaining the real estate data.

The Kansas City Real Estate Network is very careful in providing accurate real estate data that paints a true picture of the real estate market for zip code 66210 in Overland Park.

If you’re a homeowner in the zip code 66210, please feel free to view the real estate data below. 

Map of the Overland Park, Kansas Zip Code 66210
The median household income is $73,770.

The median estimated home value is $207,880.

The population is 16,491 people.

For a complete Overland Park, KS. Neighborhood Report for Zip Code 66210, click here --- Zip Code 66210 Neighborhood Report

For a Personalized Overland Park Homeowner Property Report, contact the Kansas City Real Estate Network, today!

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