What size of home should you expect to get in the top 11 cities in Johnson County, Kansas?
The average Leawood, KS. home is 3858 square feet
The average Mission Hills, KS. home is 3435 square feet
The average Lenexa, KS. home is 2955 square feet
The average Overland Park, KS. home is 2928 square feet
The average Shawnee, KS. home is 2452 square feet
The average Olathe, KS. home is 2405 square feet
The average Prairie Village, KS. home is 2307 square feet
The average Gardner, KS. home is 1624 square feet
The average Mission, KS. home is 1556 square feet
The average Roeland Park, KS. home is 1508 square feet
The average Merriam, KS. home is 1439 square feet
Real Estate Stats Disclosure: The real estate stats were obtained from the time period of August 1st, 2012 to to September 15th, 2012 and include only single family homes that had been reported in the Heartland MLS system. The cities of Edgerton, Spring Hill, De Soto, Countryside, Bonner Springs, Fairway, Lake Quivira, Westwood, Westwood Hills, and Mission Woods were not included in the stats due to the lack of real estate sold during the time period.
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