4+ Bedroom Floor Plans are the Hottest Floor Plans in Johnson County, Kansas
According to the Heartland Multiple Listing Service Homes Sales Report the hottest floor plans selling in Johnson County, Kansas were 4+ bedroom floor plans. 277 4+ bedrooms sold with a average sales price of #350,709.
Despite the low numbers, why are some areas in Kansas City selling like hot cakes while others are very sluggish? If you would like to find the answer to this question, please contact the Dowell Taggart Team or directly by email. We’re having record breaking months and satisfying many home sellers needs with successful sales.
These Kansas City real estate stats are from July 2010. August 2010 stats will be completed in September.
According to the Heartland Multiple Listing Service Homes Sales Report the hottest floor plans selling in Johnson County, Kansas were 4+ bedroom floor plans. 277 4+ bedrooms sold with a average sales price of #350,709.
Despite the low numbers, why are some areas in Kansas City selling like hot cakes while others are very sluggish? If you would like to find the answer to this question, please contact the Dowell Taggart Team or directly by email. We’re having record breaking months and satisfying many home sellers needs with successful sales.
These Kansas City real estate stats are from July 2010. August 2010 stats will be completed in September.
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