What You Know Doesn't Matter If You Don't Listen
Most of us think in pictures, a few of us process the words, fewer still Does your Realtor talk over you or anticipate your question before you've finished talking?
Number one complaint against Realtors....We don't listen, we talk too much. After all, as subject experts, we expect clients to listen to our "expertise".....Too often we wind up sounding like the postman on the hit television show, "Cheers", Cliff Claven!
This can be very frustrating and demoralising if it happens to you all the time. People can be so rude sometimes even if it is unintentional. So why does this happen and how can you make yourself heard?
There can be many reasons why this happens....For the purpose of this message, let's focus on active listening.
There can be many reasons why this happens....For the purpose of this message, let's focus on active listening.
An effective Realtor knows that in order to discover what a client wants, we need to ask questions, then listen, really listen. Active listening isn't that easy, which is why most folks simply don't try....Active listening requires each of us to quiet our inner dialogue, your inner voice. Sometimes we get so caught up in the moment, we believe we might know, really know, where the conversation is leading....when that happens, we cheat ourselves out of the opportunity to learn something new, to hear something authentic.
I start off with a checklist, an actual paper checklist. OK, some of you need to quit laughing so hard; the checklist forces me to shut my mouth and listen.
When the information I gather starts to build a picture, I get the opportunity to hear about your dreams, and your dream home. Your expectations, the neighborhood you see in your mind's eye, the cul-de-sac you see your children riding their bicycles around....Make sense?
Whomever you choose to help you find your dream home, or help you sell your home in order to move to your dream home....Find a full-time professional who listens.
Thanks to Theresa Truscott, Performance Coach-for more information on active listening and effective speaking, find her online at http://twitter.com/PerformanceTips
Thanks to Theresa Truscott, Performance Coach-for more information on active listening and effective speaking, find her online at http://twitter.com/PerformanceTips
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Blog post written by the Dowell Taggart Team of RE/MAX Best Associates
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