

Is it a good time to buy a home in the Olathe zip code 66062? Three reasons you should buy . . .

If you are looking to purchase a home in Olathe and you are wondering if it is a good time to purchase in the Olathe zip code 66062 keep on reading.

The zip code 66062 is located in Eastern Olathe. Typically most people from Olathe refer to I-35 as the dividing line of Olathe.

I would say it is a good time to buy in the Eastern Olathe Zip Code 66062 because of these 3 reasons: 

1) Looking at the 12 month change in the median estimated home value, the Eastern Olathe zip code 66062 home values are down 4.12%. 

2) The median price in the Olathe zip code is nearly $100,000 lower than the Johnson median price. It is typically better to be the lowest value of the area.

3) If you like to buy when things are on sale, then this is a perfect time to buy a home in Olathe. According to a recent National Association of Realtors report, the list price of homes in the Olathe zip code 66062, have decreased 11.07% in the past 12 months.

If you need any help in finding the Perfect Olathe home maybe you should contact the Olathe Real Estate Masters!  We know Olathe . . .

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Blog post written by the Dowell Taggart Team of RE/MAX Best Associates

Your Olathe Real Estate Marketing Masters!

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