Kansas City Networking is slowly growing. This past week the group has grown to over 1600 members on Facebook. Yeah!
With this growth, we are looking to provide more networking opportunities to our members including tweetups and social media seminars.
This past week we hosted our first tweetup/meetup and had 82 members participate. We received many fabulous reviews and we will be working to insure future events are beneficial for our members.
If social media would benefit your Kansas City business, maybe you should visit us.
Visit us on Facebook: http://groups.to/KansasCityNetworking (1600+ members)
Visit us on Ning: http://kcbusinessdirectory.ning.com/ (nearly 50 members)
Let us know what you think or add to our blog by writing a comment.
Blog post written by the Dowell Taggart Team of RE/MAX Best Associates
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