Olathe, Kansas Real Estate Stats for the Palisade Park Subdivision

Olathe, Kansas Real Estate Stats for the Palisade Park Subdivision

According to the MLS, 25 homes have been available for sale in the Palisade Park subdivision in the past 90 days. Seven homes have sold, 10 homes are under contract and 8 homes are still available for sale.

The average Palisade Park subdivision home was listed for $205,914 and sold for $205,736 in 43 days. The highest priced home sold for $265,000.

If you live in the Palisade Park subdivision and would like to see the value of your home, please go to Find My Home Value or feel free to contact the Dowell Taggart Team at 913.712.9313.

Thinking about buying a home in the Palisade Park subdivision or any other home in Olathe, KS., go to: Search For Homes For Sale in Olathe or feel free to contact the Dowell Taggart Team at 913.712.9313.

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